
Cinnamon bark is used as a spice. It is principally employed in cookery as a condiment and flavouring material. Cinnamon bark is used as a spice. It is principally employed in cookery as a condiment and flavouring material.



Incredibly popular black pepper known as the "King of spices" and it accounts for the largest percentage in the international spice trade. It is most widely used spice all over the world.



Clove of commerce is the dried, fully grown but still unopened flower buds of the evergreen tree Eugenia caryophyllus of the family Myrtaceae


nutmeg and mace

Nutmeg is one of the two spices the other being mace derived from several species of tree in the genus Myristica. The most important commercial species is Myristica fragrans, an evergreen tree grows in hill country.


other spices

A range of other spices like Green Pepper, Sesame, Areca Nut , Cardamom and a variety of oil from Imperial Spices.